Profilo di David Gill

Imizamo Yethu "Our Efforts"

Imizamo Yethu meaning our efforts is an informal settlement in Hout Bay, Cape Town. This settlement is on the eastern side of Table Mountain. I did ask permission of all people featured before taking their photographs.
Church and training centre
Models are popular with tourists
Hair Dressing is a popular business and competition is fierce.
Women are great entrepreneurs and many like this one supply what is in demand
Not 5th Avenue but supplies at a price many requirements for the population.
Mr Cool, shop owner.
Many parents leave their children with a relative while they go to work.
How it will be, houses built via a donation from the Republic of Ireland government. The Western Cape government builds as fast as finances permit but, due to the influx of people from South Africa and the rest of Africa it is a difficult task.
In spite of the hardships the majority of the residents are like this lady happy with life.
Imizamo Yethu "Our Efforts"

Imizamo Yethu "Our Efforts"


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