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Human Centered Design Moodboard
The goal of these designs is to make something that reflects any type of force displaced onto the user. If some punches a person wearing this, the force would punch that someone back. Each also completely protects the user. The first idea is a vest. The second idea is a type of dome that you can wear like a back pack, and close at will to make a protective barrier. The third idea is a type of turtle shell that the user can wear. This design idea mostly involves the sense of touch.
Final Product
The final name for the product is the “Turtle Shield”. The function of the product is to be able to protect the user from any harm. Anything or anyone that attacks the person wearing the shield will be met with the same amount of force back at them. If someone were to punch the suit the suit would exert a force that is the same on that attacker’s fist. The person that is wearing the suit would not feel any type of force when they are wearing it. The user would be completely protected on the inside. This type of suit is mostly used as defense instead of offense. The person wearing it should be very capable of putting the suit on and also taking the suit off. Additionally the user should turn away from any dangerous objects so the back plate will take most of the damage. The chest plate in the front does protect also, however the back plate is bigger. The chest plate is smaller so the user is able to move their arms more freely. This product is great for anyone that is worried that people are trying to harm them. This object ensures that anyone attacked would have some form of protection.
This product will give users a sense of protection. This product is made completely out of cardboard and hot glue. The whole product is also covered in silver spray paint, to give it a more metallic feel. The back piece is big, and has hexagons carved into them. Hexagons are a strong shape. They are like circles, but their six sides mean that there is no empty space when a bunch of them are put together. The hexagons are also meant to give the back piece a little bit more mobility. The product is meant to feel strong and stable. The product also is meant to still be mobile. The straps are diagonal so the user has plenty of neck room. This product does not really make any use of visuals or sounds. The main sense this product deals with is touch. Any object that touches the outside of the product will feel the same force exerted back onto them. Anyone inside the product should feel nothing outside the suit. Additionally, one of the most important things about the object is that if the user were to fall from a great height, and they manage to curl up into a ball so the suit lands on the ground, they would bounce back completely unharmed.
* The collection of photos above is a summary of the research I did. I found all of these images on Pinterest.
Human Centered Design Moodboard

Human Centered Design Moodboard


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