fish 竹刀鱼's profile

零号任务 Mission Zero PV

(1) 15~17秒 :地图素材为谷歌地图截图
(2) 26~32秒: 视频素材为Hitman2游戏录频
(3) 58~60秒: 人物素材为Hitman2游戏原画
Please note: This PV was made at the early stage of game development to explore the art style and will not appear in the final game.
Due to the lack of various resources in the game Demo period, other resources are used for alternative demonstrations in the following parts:
(1) 15~17s: The map material is a screenshot of Google Maps
(2) 26~32s: Video material is Hitman2 game recording
(3) 58~60s: The character material is the original painting of the Hitman2 game
*The voice part is read by Google, if you are a native English speaker, it may sound funny XD

以下是一些未放入最终视频的设计草稿 | The following are some drafts that were not included in the final video :

Scene modeling:<Mission Zero> 3D model group
部分模型建模(LOGO类) / 视频内场景搭建 / 渲染 / 剪辑与后期:竹刀鱼
Part of the modeling (LOGO etc) / scene building / rendering / editing and post-production:zhudaoyu|fish
Voice: Google
BGM:Geoff Zanelli - The Belicoff Assassination

Click to view other design projects of this game

♡ Thanks for watching ♡
designed in 2019

零号任务 Mission Zero PV

零号任务 Mission Zero PV
