Henkilön Kirk Wallace profiili

Community Driven Software [Illustration Identity]

Thriving Communities
Community Involvement Software
Kadince is a community involvement software that streamlines the process of getting communities funded to achieve their fullest potential.
I lead the new branding that focused on placing the communities/beneficiaries of the product up front as the heroes of the brand. The tool (software) is not the hero in this case; it’s the communities that benefit from the tool. It is the communities thriving, people interacting, taking care of one another, and getting funding to programs to help a well oiled community thrive.
Each illustration focuses around various efforts of the Kadince software, but is grounded and visualized in a familiar, empathetic, and aspiring reality. 
Additional sketches from Dom Civiello
Volunteer Service Tracking
Donation & Grant Management
We wanted to put storytelling at the forefront of this brand, which often sounds contrived, but the last few years I’ve really had a good time finding what makes brands and products unique and pushing into new territories for them.
In this case I wanted to take them into this Sesame Street meets Do The Right Thing world of a warm and safe, but realistic and authentic style and atmosphere. Dealing with the hero first, it painted a picture for the world we’re trying to build with the product, without forcing product down anyones throat. Once this image was established, we could drill into this miniature world to pull out more vignettes that related to features of the software.
Event Management
Community Reinvestment Management

In rare form, I created this all in Photoshop, with no help from Illustrator. For me, it's easier to draw non-linearly, with items and moods in mind, rather than any masterful composition from the start. I know later I can piece together a decent composition with a ton of edits and lasso tool. What was more important was figuring out all of the elements and what each one can represent.
I started with this idea of a giant tree in a park, from there I thought a mural would be fun, pulling references from movies like Do The Right Thing and The C*sby Show (season 7 intro, fun fact the usage of that mural was I believe stolen. Classic C*sby!). 
While we were bucking trends of financial tech illustrations with our primary imagery, we wanted to offset that whimsy style with something a little more technical and buttoned up, but with some human quality to it.

I want to make more robust illustration identity systems, small spots, or anything in between so feel free to reach out - kirk@bone.haus

Community Driven Software [Illustration Identity]


Community Driven Software [Illustration Identity]

