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LITTLE UNIVERSE - Glass pedant

2016 | Glass Pendant
In the winter of 2016, I went to Nagoya with a friends to learn glass craft skill from Toshio Aoyama, who is a fascinating glass artist in Japan. This pendant is made under his patient guidance, and look it  from different angles, the light reflected inside just like a shining nebula floating in the dark universe......
2016年冬天,我和与一群朋友一同前往名古屋向日本著名的玻璃艺术家青山俊雄学习玻璃工艺。 这款坠子是在老师的耐心指导下制成的。从不同的角度观察,光线映照在吊坠里高低起伏的小山岭上,折射出的光芒就像漂浮在黑暗宇宙中的闪亮星云......
LITTLE UNIVERSE - Glass pedant
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LITTLE UNIVERSE - Glass pedant

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