Profilo di Mia Sale

Feminist Creations Spring 2021

The following are a collection of feminist posts that I created following the death of Sarah Everard and the protests against male violence. 
The goal was to create images that projected what many women across the world were feeling. Sharing this on social media helped people express their pain and frustration.
This slideshow was to highlight small everyday comments and behaviours that contribute to and perpetuate rape culture and victim blaming. Many people will say they don't know anyone who is capable of rape or assault or harassment. This can lead them to think that their job is done, that they have no need to think about the issue but often times this can mean that smaller telltale signs are missed.
Not Asking For It: An illustration created in response to the all too common question asked of victims of sexual assault and harassement; "What were they wearing".
The reality of course being that there is no outfit that makes you immune to harassement or assault and there is no outfit that justifies assault.
Statistics Deniers: A slightly tongue-in-cheek take on the many many angry messages that I got from men who were outraged by the recent survey publised by UN Women UK.
It quickly became apparent that the people that were angry about the survey had little to no knowledge of statistics or how sample sizes are calculated for an accurate representation.
Empathy: A concept I decided to emphacise in light of the angry backlash that so many of the protests were met with. I believe that more education and encouragement on showing empathy and compassion would great benefit society.
Women with many labels: This piece was commissioned by a client and tied in nicely to this project. It celebrates the many facets of a single person. This illustration will serve as a reminder to the viewer that a person is much more that their appearance alone and that we shouldn't be so quick to judge or dismiss.
For more of my work check out my Instagram and my other Behance Projects
Feminist Creations Spring 2021


Feminist Creations Spring 2021
