George McVay's profile

Editing and Motion Graphics Projects

StreamGo + Contact Monkey: Webinar Promo. Created in three days from scratch according to a provided project brief. Features 3D environments, and a variety of graph/chart related motion graphics. 
Killhouse Airsoft/Paintball: Safety Briefing Intro. Features constructed 3D environments (with cameras and lighting), greenscreened actors, custom animated backgrounds and a custom logo. 
Short Film: The Blue Locket. Fantasy/Film-noir shot entirely in front of greenscreen, with custom animated backgrounds. Threshold RGB was applied to live-action subjects, with multiple layers and keylights used to achieve multiple colours. 
Music Video: Try Order - George McVay. Music composed using Musescore 3, recordings of various household objects, and piano performances conducted by myself. Sound recording process was filmed in front of greenscreen, then heavily edited to produce abstract visuals. Features 3D environments and use of various distortion effects (including Kaleida, Mirror and Ripple). EPILESPY WARNING.
Raptor Airsoft's The Creek: Advert. Filmed by myself during an airsoft/paintball match. Effort was made in editing to sync up the music and the shots fired by players. Opening titles created using After Effects and Photoshop.
Short: Recordare. Final Major Project submission at Bradford College (awarded with distinction). Surreal horror featuring cloning and teleportation effects. Unique colour grading achieved using After Effects preset Threshold RGB.
Editing and Motion Graphics Projects


Editing and Motion Graphics Projects
