蕉財進寶 ONG with WOWNANA!

蕉財進寶 Ong with WOWNANA! 
In Chinese New Year 2021, Epikinono Studio collaborated with Wownana, a banana bread specialist in Malaysia to launch an exclusive CNY Cookies Gift Box. As banana bread is best served on the day it is baked, we decided to transform the signature banana breads into something that can last longer — giant, soft, chewy and yummy banana cookies!

The exclusive CNY gift box packaging is designed with custom typography and illustration that are joyful and friendly. We brought back Wownana signature brand mascots — Mr Wownana and Ms Wownana, and dressed them up in God of Fortune look to bring fortune and luck to their customers! 

Packaging & Illustration  |   Epikinono Studio
Collaboration Project  |   Wownana x Epikinono Studio

蕉財進寶 ONG with WOWNANA!

Project Made For

蕉財進寶 ONG with WOWNANA!

In Chinese New Year 2021, Epikinono Studio collaborated with Wownana, a banana bread specialist in Malaysia to launch an exclusive CNY Cookies Gi Read More
