This work was realized for the discipline of Interface Design. 
In infographics, the concept was to take photographs of objects, these objects being polaroid photographs. As it was complicated to take photographs of the initial object (musical instrument), as they were large, I decided to change and make them with polaroid photographs. I chose these objects because I identify with this type of photography, and the one I like to use the most.
The contents of the photographs also represent the personal characteristics to which they are linked. I used yellow and black, as they are two of the colors I most identify with. I used the light Helvetica font because it is a thin, easy-to-read font. These characteristics of the source also reflect some of my characteristics.
I wanted to do something simple, which represents what I am.
In this part B I kept the style used in part A. I used 15 photographs to represent 15 albums of songs.
I used color filters to differentiate the different genres of music. The frame, the polaroid photographs, represent the physical albums and the unframed ones represent the digital albums. The photos that are horizontally represent the albums that I listen to most often.
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