This is a series of pages from my sketchbook showing various mark making techniques, that I used to then make photograms with.
This is a photogram I made by tracing a black and white photo of a radiator I took on acetate with a marker pen using mark making techniques.
This is a positive photogram I made by tracing a black and white photo of a radiator I took on acetate with a marker pen, and then made a negative photogram before reversing it into the positive.
This is a photogram I made by tracing a black and white photo of Canterbury Cathedral I took on acetate with a marker pen, for a project about Canterbury where prints were made for the Christmas market.
This is a photo showing Canterbury Cathedral that I took on a college trip. Some things I like about this photo are the leading lines and angle that the photo was taken at. The angle that the photo was taken at gives a long perspective.
This is a photo showing Canterbury Cathedral that I took on a college trip. One thing that I like about this photo is the symmetry of the ceiling. The angle of the photograph also gives a sense of height and you can see that the ceiling is quite intricate even from afar because of the central location.
This series of pages from my sketchbook shows some photos of Margate that I took and visual recording after. This was in and around the location of Dreamland and the Turner Contemporary, the work was submitted with potential for an exhibition at the Pie Factory in Margate.
This is a photo of some graffiti that I took in Margate. I recorded this image because I found it visually interesting as Margate has a developing art theme where a lot of graffiti is art based.
This is a photo that I took of the roller disco at Dreamland in Margate. Some things I like about this are the perspective and vibrant colours I found in the Roller Disco.
This is a postcard design I made in photoshop, where I used I photo I had taken at Margate and put text over it using the layer mask. This is in response to the Margate project.
This is another postcard design I made in photoshop, where I used I photo I had taken at Margate and put text over it using the layer mask. As some of the project was based in Dreamland, which is a theme park, it seemed appropriate to use the roller disco which has a variety of colours through the lighting, the rides were shut at the time.
This is a series of sketchbook pages showing the planning of my pinhole camera, then the finished product, which is a ceramic pinhole camera, with an evaluation.
This is a series of sketchbook pages I did showing my responses from listening to various songs of artists that had performed at Dreamland. When I was listening to the songs, I used acrylic paint to interpret the beats of the drums and strumming of the guitar to represent sound visually.
This is a series of pages where I had to find marks on a piece of paper, join them up and then shade them in. I then turned another one into a stencil and put it over a photo. This was based on graphomania.
This is a photo I took whilst in Chinatown in London, I like the leading lines, and also the red colours. I also like the fact that the tourists are included as part of the shot.
This is a photo I took up the Shard, I like the leading lines in this and also the futuristic feel and blue tones. I find the shapes and forms of buildings interesting.
This is a photo a took of Pepsi for our commercial project. I like the condensation on the cans, which is used as a good selling point in product photography, and also the cool tones.
This is another photo I took of Pepsi for our commercial project. I like how the low shutter speed makes the water slightly blurred, but it's not too slow that you can still still see the splash of the water.
In this series of pages, I have applied some of my product photography into settings where you would normally find advertisement in a public space. I used photoshop to put these advertisements in the location to see how they could be viewed.
This is a digital photogram I made during lockdown of a plant. One thing that I like about this is the vignette effect due to the light source used under the plastic tub. It looks a bit more three-dimensional than a traditional photogram, exploring natural forms for the Dementia project.
This is another digital photogram that I made of some leaves. One thing that I like about this is the detail in the veins and the different grey tones in the digital photogram mock up, this was created for the Dementia project during lockdown, working from home.
This is a photo I took of my shoe with a rainbow on it. I like the colours and also the angle, including the prism effect.
This is a photo I took of my watch with a rainbow. Some things I like about this are the shine and the contrasting colours, even though it wasn't intended for product photography, the use of light and rainbows could mean that this could be used more commercially.
This is a photo I took of a buddha at Batsford Arboretum. Some things I like about this are the composition and shallow depth of field.
This is another photo I took at Batsford Arboretum of a plant. Some things I like about this one are the shallow depth of field and warm tones, as I feel like this suits nature well.
This is a photo of my brother playing the saxophone outside. I like the way the warm colours of the saxophone contrast with the cool colours of the snow and sky. This was taken during the lockdown period, and it's interesting to see what activities people got up to during lockdown. It reminds me of people playing music out of their windows in lockdown in Italy.
I chose to include this contact sheet which contains a series of images taken during lockdown of my brother participating in various hobbies and activities in order to keep himself entertained. I took this as part of a self identified brief 'The Rabbit Hole of Lockdown' recently.
This is a collage I made of various different coloured photos of objects at home. I then arranged them so the colours would flow like a colour wheel. This is in response to the principle of randomness, where object type and colours were spun on a wheel, to control what I had to photograph.
Discuss, analyse and compare the work of Tony Luciani and his photographic journey of his mother living with dementia and the work of Stephen DiRado documenting his father living with Alzheimer’s disease.



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