Portfolio (Kyle Christensen)
Contact Information:
Cell Phone: (507-459-9210)
Current Address: 1015 3rd Street East, McCalmont Hall 188
School Email: christensenk1938@my.uwstout.edu
Personal Email: kylechristensen2019@gmail.com
My code from an assignment from my Web and Internet Programming Class, focused upon PHP language as a "For Sale" page. The tidbit of code is the initialization of variables needed for an order summary page, and starting to print off the necessary information.
My code from the final project in Data Structures, which was an RPG Inventory. The following code shows one function, the optimizeInventory function, to which its' purpose is to check if the current inventory, both equipped and non-equipped, is higher than the maximum weight, for which the user inputs that maximum weight. If the equipped weapon and armor pieces is higher than the maximum weight, remove all the non-equipped armor pieces and weapons, as well as the items. Coded in C++
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