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Detailed Analysis of ISO 22000 in Qatar

Detailed Analysis of ISO 22000 in Qatar

In my earlier blogs I have given you an idea about ISO 22000 standards, in this blog I will help you dive deeper about ISO 22000 certification in Qatar

We will cover the important aspects of this standard, benefits of getting ISO 22000 certified, principles underlying it, process of getting your organization ISO 22000 certified and many more. 

ISO is an abbreviation for International Organization for Standardization which is the apex international body that sets standards related to technology, healthcare, food safety, environmental management etc. 

It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and has members from across 165 countries that meet annually at General Assembly. 

It was founded in the year 1947 and from then on it has set around 22,000 standards (up till May, 2018) and one among them is ISO 22000:2018, Food Safety Management System (FSMS) which we will be covering in this blog.

Specifications of ISO 22000:2018

ISO 22000 standards is the Food Safety Management System (FSMS) which lays down guidelines for an effective food safety management system. 

ISO 22000 in Qatar is dedicated to all the food producers in the food chain to help them provide a safe, healthy and uncontaminated food to its consumers. 

It helps organization in the food business to set up an efficient process to deliver quality food to its consumers. The standard helps food producers to properly inspect the food before getting it released into the market. 

ISO published the most updated and recent version of this standard in the year 2018 and hence it is also known as ISO 22000:2018 and you will notice it written like this in some places.

Principles underlying ISO 22000:2018

There are certain key principles that need to be adhere to by organizations who are directly or indirectly involved in the food business.

1. Organizations need to plan, implement and update their Food Safety Management            System (FSMS) and deliver safe products and services to its end consumers.

2. They need to comply with the regulation set up by ISO to deliver food safely.

3. Organizations need to effectively communicate food safety rules to all the stakeholders       in the food chain.

4. They should always conform and adhere to the guidelines set up by ISO at any point of      time.

Benefits of getting ISO 22000 certification

There are many benefits of this standard from both producers as well as consumers point of view. I will state some of them for you below.

·  The most important aspect is to consistently provide safe food products or services that      meet the prescribed requirements.

·  It provides an edge to organization to improve their risk management in the food                 process.

·  It builds a vote of confidence among its consumers that the food is safe, healthy and         complied with international standards.

·  It helps to build an efficient production and delivery chain and capitalize on strong               customer relationship.

Process of getting ISO 22000 in Qatar

The above segments must have given you an overall idea about ISO 22000:2018 (Food Safety Management System) and cleared some doubts related to it. 

We can conclude that the consequence of unhealthy food can be devastating so it is very much necessary to monitor what food we are ingesting into our body, ISO 22000 standard makes it simple to achieve this feat. 

ISO certification in Qatar has benefited a lot of organization to achieve their desired results by proper monitoring. If you are looking for ISO 22000 certification for your organization then you must know that ISO only sets standards and is not involved in the process of providing certificates this is done by external bodies.

Finecert is a leading business consultant in this vertical that specializes in getting organizations ISO certified. We have multiple overseas operations in Middle East, South Africa, Nigeria, and Asia with headquarter in Bangalore, India. 

We have been in this business niche for over a decade now with more than 500+ happy clients worldwide that have been ISO certified through us. 

We intend to build a long term relationship with our clients by taking them through a transparent process right from project initiation to its completion and that makes us stand apart. 

We have very affordable service charges as we believe in providing best customer service in a minimum price, without any hassle.

If you are looking for quotes about ISO certification for your organization then you can write to us at or visit our website and check the multiple ISO services we provide in different locations.
Detailed Analysis of ISO 22000 in Qatar

Detailed Analysis of ISO 22000 in Qatar


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