Julia Baker's profile

Carrboro Farmers' Market

David Schaub offers the only okra he was able to bring to the Carrboro Farmers' Market on Saturday to a customer under the tent for his farm, Cates Corner Farm, which is located in Hillsborough, North Carolina. Schaub was also offering tilapia, basil, and skittake mushrooms on Satrday, of which he brought a greater supply.
The Triangle Raging Grannies perform songs written by Vicki Ryder (far right), one of the Grannies, that bring attention to the dangers of hydrofacturing. The Carrboro Farmers' Market was one of the many stops they had planned for Saturday.
Carrboro Farmers' Market

Carrboro Farmers' Market

This is the medium shot that I used for the "Feature" assignment for my Beginning Photojournalism class.
