Fönces Studio profili

Inspired by Statoil HQ in Norway

Project Location: Norway. Fonebu

time – 12 days to delivery
tech stack: 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Adobe Photoshop
Minimalism is one of the most popular styles in 3D architectural design. And that makes sense, especially in the case of the winter landscape. But there is a paradox – this style eliminates and, at the same time, increases the risk of technical errors.
The risk of error is reduced due to fewer details, which is quite logical. If you don’t have to add extra objects, then there is less work to be done. But it is not quite so. Although the number of objects is limited, they require much more accuracy because they will have full client’s attention. Therefore, if you see a great 3D rendering in a minimalistic style, rest assured that it is a work of a professional 3D artist who spent quite a while on that piece
Inspired by Statoil HQ in Norway
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Inspired by Statoil HQ in Norway

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