Female Fashion shoot at 15 on Orange, Cape Town
The location can either make a fashion shoot easier, or turn it into a complete nightmare – we have had strange and amazing locations. Our first fashion shoot for the year was set in the iconic and stylish 15 on Orange hotel. It has so many interesting nooks – even the elevator was drenched in glitz. This is for the March 2011 issue of Top Billing Magazine.

Alexis took over a bedroom on the first floor, with rails filled with garments, rows of shoes, and of course jewellery and accessories neatly packed out, we even had someone accompany some of the more expensive pieces (bodyguards or jewellery-sitters tend to escort those big ticket diamonds). We chose Bianca Hartkopf (hair and make-up) do to her brush magic on Olivia. Bianca pulled out a hairpiece and made a fringe, which turned Olivia into Angelina Jolie, well close. We used minimal lighting to maintain the mood and sense of mysterious glamour. Mostly, one spotlight.

Alexis and I pre-planned the areas we would shoot in for each outfit, we do give ourselves the flexibility to change our minds when we come up with something stronger or more exciting at a moments notice. As photographer, regardless what the circumstances are, your task is to deliver the best images possible on the day – excuses don’t exist in this industry. So, pressure aside, we set out to have some photographic fun. Our first shots were set-up around a white fringe curtain in the foyer area. The parking is just there with an inter-leading door, and when that was opened the draft would blow in with a vengeance and the fringe would fly and tangle itself in every direction. Then the untangling process would begin until the door was opened again. You’ll often find me backed up against a wall or lying on the floor or in some strange position – all in the quest to get the shot. I wanted to keep the shots interesting but clean with a touch of high gloss. The shadows accentuate the shape and form while adding mystery. Fashion tells a story either with a group of images or a single one.

On set: Magazine – Angie Lázaro (Photographer); Richard Aaron (Photographic assistant/ behind-the-scenes photograher); Alexis Chaffe (Fashion Editor); Lauren Downer (Fashion assistant); Bianca Hartkopf (Hair and make-up).

Twitter: @angielazaro
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Photographed for Top Billing Magazine. A fashion editorial featuring dressing up basic clothing items.


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