Profil von Night Growler

ATU X Fortune. Inspired by Thoth Tarot Major Arcana

I am learning Thoth Tarot Deck symbolism by making my own drawings of cards. Here is ATU X- Fortune.
Main attributions of this card are:
Astrological - Jupiter (represented by color scheme and lightning)
Hebrew Letter - Kaph - Palm (represented by hands forming the wheel)
X - the number of this Major Arcana (represented by 10 pointed star in the center)
Three figures on the wheel are Sphynx (Alchemical Mercury, idea of a balance), Hermanubis (Alchemical Sulfur, idea of motion and action) and Typhon (Alchemical Salt, idea of stillness and slowing down)
Here is Work in Progress sketch:
Here You can see original image from Thoth Tarot Deck which I took as a main reference:
ATU X Fortune. Inspired by Thoth Tarot Major Arcana


ATU X Fortune. Inspired by Thoth Tarot Major Arcana
