Kasia Kozakiewicz's profile

Our Planet Week 2021


Instagram challenge to raise awareness of environmental issues

Our Planet Week 🌎 🍃 is an illustration movement created to spread environmental awareness through art and illustration! This year we partner up again, with @onetreeplanted, to plant a tree for every illustration submitted during the challenge using #ourplanetweek #onetreeplanted.

My joining the challenge announcement

Day 1: Protect
My partner gave me a little suggestion of an umbrella and I though about all of us carrying the protective umbrella over the Earth to protect it from all the bad shit (excuse the language) that all of us do to our planet. Sounds depressive but... Well unfortunately it is true. Hopefully we can change all the bad habits and do something to make the Earth a better place for the sake of us and other living beings.

Day 2: Energy
If only we could switch the proportions one day so the global energy comes mostly from the renewable sources...

Day 3: Biodiversity
Again I take an inspiration from a beautiful country of New Zealand in which I had an honour to spend a year and see most of those species.
New Zealand is an internationally recognised hotspot for biodiversity. It's a result of long isolation from other lands and a diverse geography and climate.
Biodiversity hotspot is an area with important for biodiversity conservation. Two crucial things are considered to call a place a biodiversity hotspot:
- it must have at least 1500 species of vascular plants as endemics l
- it must have 30% or less of its original vegetation - in another word it must be threatened.

Day 4: Reduce & Reuse
Our water in the oceans literally shares spaces with the ocean of waste. Therefore with this prompt I'm trying to show how important for our Planet is to reuse whatever we already produced to keep it in the 'circle of usage' in our lives.
I know it can be undoable sometimes to avoid using single use plastic etc, but some thing are really easy to solve. It all just sits in our heads and sometimes it's only our habits that need changing.
I really hope we're not gonna drown in all the rubbish we produce.

​​​​​​​Day 5: Voice
I think we, as humans, have the advantage of using tools around us to make some kind of decisions and to help those who are more vulnerable than us. Unfortunately this has also happened to be incredible disadvantage as we tend to have an awful quality within ourselves - the urge of feeling powerful. All of us should just stop for one second and listen. Listen to the voice of animals, plants, air, soil, water and actually try to make things better. Cause we only have one life, we only have one planet, we only have one future in front of us which majority of us is going to pass on to next generations. 


You can check me out on:
Our Planet Week 2021


Our Planet Week 2021

Illustrations made for Our Planet Week 2021 to raise awareness about the environmental issues.
