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Inflatable Stretcher | Product Design

Inflatable Stretcher
Designed by
Wu , Yu-Hsin

Personal project / 2021 / Product design
2021  Young Pin Design Award - Best Design
2021  Goden Pin Concept Design Award - Best Design
2021  Taiwan International Student Design Competition - Grand Prix
2021  Taipei International Design Award -Silver Award / Sponsor’s Award / Judges’Special Award
2021  The Chinese Design Award - Gold Award
2021  Sichuan-Taiwan Industrial Design Award - Silver Award
2021  Design Intelligence Award - Young Talents Award
2021  Goldreed Industrial Design Award - Good Concept Design Award
2021  EDA - First Prize 
2023 Caring for the Environment Design Champion - Honorable Mention


'' INFLATABLE STRETCHER '' is an emergency stretcher bag that integrates the various medical equipment required for the emergency rescue process. It provides sufficient equipment for the rescuer to deal with the injured part, so that the rescue process is more intuitive and systematic, and it prevents the accident caused by panic injury.
In addition, the inflatable stretcher is small and light. It can be used to rescue the wounded in various disasters such as emergency rescue and water rescue in various places, as well as to transport the wounded at homes, sports venues, and ambulances.
Rescue products
1.Assess the risk of injury.   2.Determine whether to move.   3.Perform bandaging fixation.   4.Expand the inflatable stretcher.   5.Relocation waiting for ambulance.
原在設計初期是以老人在家中發生意外後的處理狀況做發想題目。 在觀察意外發生時,傷患及照顧者應變的行為及情緒在前、中、後期都有可設計的問題點,發現他們其實有一些連貫性,且並不只有居家才會發生這種情境,所以打算以一個可以整合這些問題的產品發想,結合現有醫療器材與專業的救護流程知識,慢慢發展成現在的急救充氣擔架,並期望除了居家使用外,也能與公共AED共同放置、適用各種戶外情境。
在意外發生時我把時間分為四個階段,分別是:事發、事發初期、事發等待、事後處理。考量的對象除了傷患還有非專業的施救者。 對應上述的四個階段主要發生的事件:施救者發現傷患、施救者驚慌無措想移動傷患可能導致二度創傷、施救者需要處理受傷部位但身邊醫療器材不齊全、只能在這段期間憑自己直覺處理並等待醫護人員到場。 為了避免施救者錯誤應變,應分析他當下的情緒、救護知識及趁手的產品,而導出以下設計方向: (1)具快速且正確教學的指示(2)好收納、輕便小巧緊急時可攜帶(3)貼合急救流程並直覺性操作的產品使用方式(4)適應各種類型創傷的醫療器材內容(5)能直接上救護車擔架的尺寸。濃縮成現在的急救擔架包。

(3)小巧輕便、操作簡單:折疊後體積約在40x30x10cm,便於手提攜帶及保管,環保PU材質使用安全易消毒。60s內即充氣完成,充氣後體積約在190x60x15cm適合救護車擔架尺寸,並在上方清楚印刷收折方式說明,以利再次使用。充氣方式減輕沖擊,在搬運中面對崎嶇山路、牆壁、樓梯等障礙物的撞擊時,避免對人員的頸椎及腰椎損傷,同時水上救護也可當救生浮力擔架。 (4)易上手好閱讀:除了提供評估意識的流程與法律責任告知,也在不同醫療器材上印刷操作說明,如急救包依傷口種類做處理步驟、充氣機如何充氣護木與擔架之使用說明,以增加施救者在處理傷患時的流暢與正確性。
Inflatable Stretcher | Product Design

Inflatable Stretcher | Product Design

'' INFLATABLE STRETCHER '' is an emergency stretcher bag that integrates the various medical equipment required for the emergency rescue process. Read More


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