Philip Lindeman profili

Moog Sound Studio

Super excited to share this project that I’ve worked on for Moog. 🌝

Today they released their brand new Moog Sound Studio bundles. These are complete exploration stations to make you discover the magical world of modular synthesizer music. Moog commissioned me to create the artwork around the DFAM/Subharmonicon bundle. I helped designing the packaging and created artwork and bits to brighten up your music studio. These include a group of pop-out desktop friends, a Mini Moog Factory dice game and a double sided folder poster.

Had a lot of fun drawing for this project, incorporating many space related and nostalgic elements. Nothing seemed crazy enough. 

Can’t wait to see the mailman dropping off this beautiful synthesizer. Might make a career switch some day! :) 
Oh and! Other than that i got the chance to team up with one of my favorite illustrators; Jim Stoten, who executed all the great artwork for the other bundle package. Together we collaborated on the cover artwork for the Moog Sound Studio & Friends EP. All tracks on this EP are produced with the MSS synthesizer bundles. Including tracks by artists like Bonobo, Madame Gandhi, Julianna Barwick, Ela Minus, Peter Cottontale, Dan Deacon and Martial Canterel. 
 🌝 Thanks for watching! 🌝
Moog Sound Studio
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Moog Sound Studio

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