Perfil de Dereck Castellon

Watermelon Days - Graphic Novel

Watermelon Days
Talking chickens! Unexpected twists and turns in a story following 4 cheeky, little feathered peeps taking on a strange, BIG world made of watermelon. 
This is a story I came up with from script-writing to drawing and coloring. Here's a quick look at how I bring this story to life:
First I see the story in my head and then I write whatever comes to mind and makes sense to me that should happen next... Here's a quick peek at how that looks like:

The next step is to visualize how this looks like. I achieve this by sketching how I see it in my head on paper
Draw the outlines
After sketching and erasing as needed I use the chicken scratch (pun kind of intended) to draw more detailed line-work in Procreate
Color, Highlights and Shadows
I picked a color scheme and made sure to stick to it throughout the this volume. However, I noticed that the first pages the color looked too saturated so I ended up experimenting when I needed to change the location. Here are some examples of how that looks like
Watermelon Days - Graphic Novel
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Watermelon Days - Graphic Novel

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