School Project FYP: “Bridging_Gaps” is a intergenerational cohesive space that allows for all age groups to gather and experience the programs together. With elderlies being neglected in society due to their old age and from generation gaps, the programs implmented allows for elderlies to act as a bridge to connect to the public and form relationships with them. Just like how Gillman Barracks was preserved for its historical values, using the same analogy, the aim for this project is to give elderlies a second chance in reconnecting with society.
The concept “Repair” was inspired from Kintsugi. Kintsugi is the art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with dusted lacquer or resin. The design uses the strong symbolic idea of the cracks imitating the issue of generation gaps. It also serves to initiate one to think further as if to highlight how one should appreciate imperfections as a form of perfection instead of just casting it aside.
Design ideas / application:
1.Breaking up the spaces based on broken pieces
2. Creating light and shadows through cracks
3. Connecting spaces, circulation and people like how the bonding agent connects the broken pieces together.
Mood Board
The mood board incorporates a feel of the space where cracks are being seen visually in both vertical and horizontal planes to give off a feeling of disarray which makes visitors curious when they enter the space. This also helps to enhance the programs implemented which is based on repair. It also conveys that by looking beyond the cracks, new opportunities can be made. The colour palette is neutral with concrete as its main material to bring out the essence of shadow play in the space.
Proposed floor plans
Isometric Breakdown
Waiting area
The false ceiling branches out from the reception counter and goes on further into the space. This is a natural phenomenon where nature too can grow out given time to live. This shows how design can help to translate ideas and messages, thus making the cracks an important design aspect.
Transition Space, Walkway / Lift lobby
The transition space has a hydroponics room at the side, this allows for visitors to grow their own crops which can be used at the café. The transition space is supported by the using the design elements - ‘crack-like’ lines as form of directional sign for its users and visitors.
Cohesion area
The cohesion area is the main point of impact. This is where shadow casting, depending on the time of the day happens. The design on this space is minimal as to not disrupt the shadows being casted in this space. This area with the shadow casting also acts as a topic for people to engage with each other while taking a break or resting. They can embrace nature and site surrounding of Gillman Barracks in the form of ‘shadow play’.
Shadow Observation
Shadow casting also plays a big role in the cohesion area. Through different time of the day, visitors can experience part of Gillman being in a form of shadows during 9am to 12pm. During 3pm to 6pm, the sun will be directly on top of the block which will show the casting of shadow of the crack lines on the platform to the floor level.
Café Seating area
The café seating area features a counter where food will be served through the crack on the wall. This also shows a way of looking beyond cracks and the good that come with it. The seating placement is also designed around the cohesion area which is the point of impact in this overall space.
Traditional / Modern games area
This area aims to repair the way younger generation and elderlies strategize. Through competing or playing with each other, it also promotes intergenerational connection.


