The simplest of beings are often the happiest
Simplicity amongst life’s intricacies is balance at its best
When I learn its simplicities is when I’ve passed time’s test
If time had a face, and at its place, what is the question you will ask?
Will I be done before its end?
Will I live this life again?
What can I learn from the past?
To try and escape its grasp is like running from the wind
Accept it as a part of you and let it heal from within
As time passes by don’t forget to smile
Because as it shows you where to go
It may not show you after a while
This is Margot
This is Od
As I ponder along this journey to find depth to this life
Something big but not scary appears in sight
Od is looking but just does not see
So am I just dreaming?
How could this be?
A thought that was given which was separate to my own
Was a force of forgiveness that wouldn’t leave me alone
Margots Story

Margots Story

This is a one off publication i made for uni. Through photography, creative writing and illustration I have tried to not over-determine the stor Læs mere


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