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Green Giraffe Day Nurseries - Brand, website and print

The first organic day nursery in Cardiff; we’ve worked with Green Giraffe since their start-up, in developing the brand and applying it to website, video, promotional literature and right down to the signs on their buildings. Once the branding was established, the key part of the project was the website, which is the main points of contact for Green Giraffe to engage with its customers. The site was designed in partnership with the client, providing a bespoke solution that continues to evolve as the business develops from start-up to growing business. Oh yes, and it has all been produced bilingually as well!
Photography included by Felicia Bohm and Patrick Olner. Camera work and editing for the video by Dewi Evans.
The Green Giraffe picturebook brochure
Promotional flyers
Green Giraffe Day Nurseries - Brand, website and print

Green Giraffe Day Nurseries - Brand, website and print

A full branding project which included applying the brand across branding material, design for print, website and promotional video.
