Profilo di Dr Mukaram Gazi

As Offered by Dr. Mukaram Gazi and UUANJ, SpaceOAR

As Offered by Dr. Mukaram Gazi and UUANJ, SpaceOAR Hydrogel Protects Cancer Patients from the Side Effects of Radiation Therapy
Founding member of the University Urology Associates of New Jersey (UUANJ), Dr. Mukaram Gazi is proud to offer highly advanced SpaceOAR treatment for prostate cancer patients.

Under Dr. Mukaram Gazi’s leadership, UUANJ is protecting prostate cancer patients from radiation therapy’s harmful side effects with the SpaceOAR hydrogel system

A Sensible Precaution for a Common Cancer Treatment

With over 190,000 new cases diagnosed annually, prostate cancer is the second only to skin cancer among male American cancer patients. And more than 60,000 US prostate cancer patients undergo high-dose radiation therapy as part of standard oncological treatment.

After reporting these staggering facts in a recent article, Baptist Health South Florida discusses proctitis as just one of the many painful and problematic side effects of prostate cancer radiation.
Defined by severe inflammation of the rectal wall, proctitis can cause significant rectal discomfort and bleeding during bowel movements.

SpaceOAR hydrogel is an FDA-approved product that prevents the rectal area from suffering collateral damage during prostate cancer radiation therapy. When applied, SpaceOAR separates the prostate from the rectal area, giving oncologists, such as Dr. Mukaram Gazi, more room to address the prostate’s specific areas that require treatment.

Proctitis is just one of many harmful side effects that plague prostate cancer patients who undergo radiation therapy. According to KATU-2 ABC News, patients who had SpaceOAR hydrogel in place during radiation exposure have a greater chance of maintaining normal bowel functions, urinary and sexual functions.

Dr. Mukaram Gazi and UUANJ Employ SpaceOAR to Great Effect

Like several other leading urologists at UUANJ, Dr. Mukaram Gazi has earned recognition as an outstanding New Jersey physician according to his fellow medical professionals and respected publications such as New Jersey Monthly. Dr. Mukaram Gazi, along with treating patients as a board-certified physician through the American Board of Urology, is widely regarded as a thought leader and research consultant.

Under Dr. Mukaram Gazi’s leadership, UUANJ urologists use a minimally invasive outpatient procedure to place the SpaceOAR system before radiation therapy. Using a small needle and ultrasound imaging, they inject the SpaceOAR hydrogel directly into the space between the rectum and prostate. Because typical radiation therapy courses for prostate cancer last roughly
three months, the hydrogel is designed to remain in place for that duration. After three months, it naturally liquefies, becomes absorbed into the body, and then vacates the body in the form of urine.

Dr. Mukaram Gazi praises the use of SpaceOAR to “maximize radiation to the tumor while minimizing radiation to surrounding normal tissue.” SpaceOAR not only allows for more precise and effective radiation exposure but, according to Dr. Mukaram Gazi, “helps patients to maintain their normal activities and lifestyle after treatment.”
As Offered by Dr. Mukaram Gazi and UUANJ, SpaceOAR

As Offered by Dr. Mukaram Gazi and UUANJ, SpaceOAR
