A series of seven sketches
Size varies from 10cmX15cmX100cm to 10cmX20cmX127cm

This project explored perspective through different media by encasing drawings in acrylic blocs. The nature of the acrylic acts as a lens that distorts the image from different viewpoints. The images become 'floating planes' within the acrylic. Within my Fine Art practice, I employ aesthetic drawing as part of my thinking process. The drawings in this particular series echoed architectural thinking, without making any reference to specific buildings or structures.

I chose to exhibit the drawings so that it could be viewed from multiple sides (including from above) to enhance the effect of the acrylic blocks. The series also took on a sculptural from in the way it was grouped together; this also played on the idea of a cityscape.

Tekeninge (Sketches)

Tekeninge (Sketches)

This project was part of my final exhibition for my MA in Architecture: Spatial Practices at the Arts University Bournemouth.
