Perfil de Ella Byrne

Exchangling Lightbox Entry 2021

Character Design entry for Lightbox Expo and Iris Compiet's competition in which the brief was to design a fae character or "Exchangling" who steals something unusual in return for something else. Was required to be in traditional mediums, this piece is watercolour and coloured pencils on hot press paper.​​​​​​​
"This little fae creature likes to collect the stray pet hair that seems to linger around homes. She uses them to make clothes, bedding and the thatch roofs on the homes of her friends. In return, she will leave treats for the pets and even helps heal any ailments they may have like a thorn in the paw or a loose tooth. So next time you rush to clean your house after your pet's shedding season, think of this little fae and put your feet up instead!"
Concept Sketches and Colour Test
Exchangling Lightbox Entry 2021

Exchangling Lightbox Entry 2021
