Pete Adam Bialeckis profil

"Complimentary Notes At The End" (Construction Stages)

Initial Wire Modeling & Drawing
Wire FIgure to Steel Rod
Body Mass Brainstorming
Body Mass Translated to "Guitar + Frustration" Component
"Guitar + Frustration" Model Perimeter Translated to Steel Rod
(Single Rhythm)
(Double Rhythm)
(Triple Rhythm)

"Guitar + Frustration" Meditation Process
Rhythms Repeated 108 Times
"Guitar + Frustration" Rhythm Rules
"Improvised Melodies"

"Improvised Melodies" In Place
Steel Rod Placement for Final Statement 
“Complimentary Notes At The End”
78.11 cm x 100.33 cm x 120.02 cm (30 3/4” x 39 1/2” x 47 1/4”)
Cold Rolled Steel Rod and Sheet Metal
"Complimentary Notes At The End" (Construction Stages)

"Complimentary Notes At The End" (Construction Stages)

Process pictures for the sculpture, "Complimentary Notes At The End". A designed and fabricated steel structure representing music through the me Læs mere
