Profiel van Michael Schwartz

Alphabetical Gifathon Challenge

Alphabetical Gifathon Challenge
Date: Sep 25, 2019 was the day I decided to work on improving my animation skills by making an animation for every letter of the alphabet. This is my Alphabetical Gifathon Challenge. All posted on my Dribbble. In addition whole project is available for purchase as well.
With this I learned more so of how sensitive Blender is when flat elements are close to each other so much the target looks messed up. Well lesson learned right? 
This animation I learned how difficult using curves as arms and legs are in Blender. So much that I got tired of it and you see the result above. (Gravit Designer is a great vector editor and would solve this if I could animate keyframes like in After Effects but I wanted to use only free software. So lesson learned. Use a solid mesh instead when working with Blender)
If I were to make this animation again I wouldn't use Blender again what so ever I would use the app I developed svgMotion. Cause the circle is a little sharp rather than smooth on the sides, the mouth was supposed to be rounded initially and don't get me started on the eye displacement.
Can't help but laugh at this one now. For 1) that's not how your shoulders move when doing a pullup. 2) Hands aren't even gripping the bar and 3) I thought by using a mesh it would be smoother and clearly I didn't practice enough with adding more cuts to the mesh. as it looks absolutely terrible. However you live and you learn and this one I learned a few lessons.
Looking back I wish I used 2D trees instead of 3D trees. Egh is what it is tho. Lesson learned to now rush these things. 
Looking back the Blender mesh of the hovercraft wasn't as smooth as I would like it to be. I have no idea what I was thinking with the lines moving to the left of the background. I don't know what I was thinking of what they're even supposed to be. 
Looking back I'm not happy with the choice of colors I used. Like why change the main background after each hit? Idk what I was thinking. Thought it would make it more appealing but ended up doing the opposite. Simplicity is key! Lesson learned. 
I've always wanted my face on money. So I decided Q was my chance :) hehe get it "chance"?
Reading an old book I wrote backwards? Yeah guess I rushed this one too huh? After all shoulders shouldn't be flat lol
Alphabetical Gifathon Challenge

Alphabetical Gifathon Challenge
