Profilo di Anubhuti Mishra

Green Bedroom Design Ideas For Your Your Home

NOTE- This blog was written as a sample for an interior firm.
Green Bedroom Design Ideas For Your Your Home

Speaking about interior design, the colors are those through which a house can get personality, are those that create different optical illusions and have also a strong influence on our psychological level.

“Punches of colour keep a room feeling youthful and engaging”-Christina Murphy

We all know that colour is a pretty tricky thing to get right and many of us lack confidence when incorporating it into our own homes and interior design schemes.
The main positive psychological properties green communicates are peace, balance and harmony. It can rejuvenate and restore, giving the feeling of being connected to nature and feeling safe and secure.

Today green is back as the new ‘white’.

The photos below will show you exactly what we mean.

Green In Shining Armour
A master bedroom concept to rescue you from the everyday monotonous life.
The mix blend of colours not only breaks the dullness but the glossy green and the glossy brown against the matte grey and white tends to complete the look of a cozy bedroom.

Green and grey when combined give a sense of certain elegance and comfort. This guest bedroom shows a minimalist concept.
The touch of plants will always freshen your mood after long tiring hours of office.

A master bedroom to bring a sense of relief to your sore eyes.
The pop of bright lime colour brings fresh aura to the bedroom making it a place of not only sleeping but also to share some fun and laughter with your better half.
The use of geometrics can always be given for a twist. The colour combinations shown are not for the faint heart.

This is a perfect example of incorporating the green colour in a small cozy bedroom.
The green textured wallpaper on one wall against all pure white is for people who are willing to add some flavour and spice in their day to day routine life.
Play around with shades of green or just accessorize your room and you are good to go.

This classy bedroom is ideal for the people who are always in trend with the latest fashion.
The touch of floral bed sheet, a small potted plant and a green sofa chair will not only make you feel relaxed but will also give you “being in the nature” vibes. The peaceful white background will surely bring you a good night's sleep.

An elegant spacious and luxurious green bedroom.
Can something go wrong with a perfect blend of green and beige?
The pairing of warm neutral colour like beige with the rich and bold olive green will give you an attractive yet balanced look.

The softness of green palatte sprinkled on the pure white bedroom will make you remember small saplings blooming in the snow. The calm and peaceful aura in this bedroom will definitely cheer you up.
Shout out to all the plant lovers, watch out for this lovely concept of green bedroom.

A little bit of love, a little bit of pink.
Give yourself some pampering by going with soft colours which will definitely bring out the child in you. The pink tone reminds me of cotton candy- something which will always leave you craving for more. Don’t you feel like jumping on the bed after a whole day of work load?

This concept is for all those you have dreamt of a royal life.
The hues of green and grey will not only make you feel like the king and queen but will also create a long lasting WOW effect on your guests. The perfectness and warmth of this green bedroom can not only be seen but also felt.

With a hint of lime in the background mixed with overall white look of the room, not only lightens the mood but also adds a dash of freshness.
Enjoy a mean cup of tea at any hour of the day, while basking in the views of nature from the beautiful window seating. Isn't it worth your money?

As seen above, green is a color of balance and harmony, and is believed to contain the powerful energies of nature, growth, desire to expand or increase.

“Don’t be afraid of colours,
Colours have been around for centuries.
Stay true to your colours and your lifestyle will shine your soul of colours”
-Jeffrey Johnson

Let us know your thoughts about incorporating the colour green in various aspects of interior design in the comment section below.
Green Bedroom Design Ideas For Your Your Home


Green Bedroom Design Ideas For Your Your Home


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