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Hazard Spots at Home for Pets

Hazard Spots at Home for Pets
How safe do you think your home is for your pet? You might be surprised to learn that just about every home contains a few common pet hazards, no matter how conscientious you are about pet safety. But it just takes a few simple precautions to keep Fido or Fluffy safe. Here, your vet clinic Chesapeake, VA tells you about a few common hazard spots:

The Kitchen
Kitchens contain foods that are toxic to pets, like grapes and raisins, onions, garlic, chives, leeks, scallions, fatty foods, chocolate, candy, salty foods, and alcohol. There are also plenty of sharp objects—knives, soup can lids, forks—that a pet could hurt themselves with. It’s safest to keep your pet out of the kitchen when cooking.

The Medicine Cabinet
All sorts of medications could poison a pet, from common painkillers to cough syrup and prescription pills. Keep the medicine cabinet locked tight, and store your pet’s own medicine in a separate area to avoid any mix-ups.

The Supply Closet
Cleaning supplies of all kinds could hurt a pet who decides to ingest them. Store these items carefully in a closed and locked supply closet.

Contact your veterinary clinic Chesapeake, VA if your pet needs veterinary attention.
Hazard Spots at Home for Pets

Hazard Spots at Home for Pets

