NOTE- This poem is written just out of my flair for writing, not to be published on any platform.

Sitting on the chair in a corner,
For some reason in my own home I felt like a foreigner.
Looking around a thought struck my mind,
How and why in life did I fall so behind.

Feeling the heaviness of the thoughts,
I got up and started to walk.
Pacing around I started connecting all the dots,
Nd wondered if I could give myself a pep talk.

Feeling motivated out of the blue,
I picked up the broom and started to clean.
I still dint know what in the world I was gonna do,
Tired I sat on my bean bag like a self proclaimed queen.

Proud of what I had achieved,
I looked around and took an extra deep breath feeling relieved.
I thought if I should do anymore work,
Quickly decided against it with a smirk.

Jumping on the bed, I took my glass of wine,
Not wanting to waste anymore time.
It was time to bring out my perfect skill,
I wrapped myself in the blanket for Netflix and chill.

I dimmed the light and got popcorn,
What all should I watch between all the choices I was torn.
Ordered myself a red velvet cupcake,
Pampering myself was an important and much needed break!
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