Profil Maria NăzdrăvanProfil Laurentiu Stere

KFC Bite to Win Mobile App

In summer 2013 KFC launched a new product, the Fillet Bites: pieces of fresh chicken manually cut before fried, which gave them irregular shapes. But every authentic thing has its imperfections, right?
If manually cut means irregular shapes, then every fillet looks different. And why not spot familiar shapes in your Fillet Bites and turn it into a game?
We created a mobile game that turned each Fillet Bite into a possible win. We chose 30 shapes and invited people to scan their bites with the application.
Something authentic always looks different.
That's why the new Fillet Bites made of 100% chicken breast cut manually have all kinds of crazy shapes.
Download the application and win thousands of KFC products!
We created a mobile application for scanning Fillet Bites. All you had to do was to buy the product, put each fillet on the designated spot on the customized trayliner, scan it with the application and find one of the 30 shapes.
You could find a ball, an airplane, an elephant... And if you found Jesus, all the better.
Each shape became a point. Points were instantly turned into KFC products in the application.
Over 10k users and 50k scans.
Silver Drum in Mobile Campaigns
Silver Drum in Digital Campaigns
KFC Bite to Win Mobile App

KFC Bite to Win Mobile App

The KFC Bite to Win application is a mobile game created around the new product's claim: pieces of real chicken manually cut on the spot. Users c Další informace


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