David Schick's profile

What is Neurology?

What is neurology?

Neurologist David Schick indicates that neurology is the medical discipline that takes care of diseases of the nervous system. The nervous system includes the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), the peripheral nervous system (cranial nerves and nerves of the limbs) and the vegetative nervous system. The functions performed by the whole system are: consciousness, wakefulness and sleep, intellectual functions, communication and language, behaviors, movement control, sensory perceptions, pain, regulation of internal organs. Neurology thus covers a wide range of diseases, the complexity of which requires extreme rigor in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Listening attentively to the patient and his entourage allows us to collect clues that will guide the clinical examination, an essential stage of diagnosis in neurology. This logic makes it possible to determine the appropriate additional examinations and their degree of urgency.
What is Neurology?

What is Neurology?


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