David Martin 的个人资料

Architect of Ancients

Mesa Verde National Park
Designated a national park in 1906, it is the largest archaeological preserve in the united States.  There are approximately 4000 archaeological sites and 600 separate cliff dwellings at the site.  Mesa Verde dates from 550 A.D. and was inhabited continuously until around 1300 A.D., when the Anasazi left the area for reasons unknown.  At the peak of their time here, it is estimated that between 30,000 and 40,000 people lived here in 1100 A.D.  Their stone cities were well preserved due to where they were built......in steep canyon walls, well hidden from the occasional traveler who may have drifted through the area on the mesa tops, above the dwellings.   A wonder to behold, you really feel like you are stepping back in time when you walk through these structures.  A pristine and almost perfectly preserved national treasure.
Cliff Palace is the largest cliff dwelling with 200 rooms and 23 kivas.
Photograph taken at Spruce Tree House.
An interior room.
Cliff Palace
.....from across the canyon
a portion of Spruce Tree House.
Mesa Verde's best preserved and third largest cliff dwelling.
It was constructed between A.D. 1211 and A.D. 1287.
There were 130 rooms and 8 kivas.
A silent guardian.
I see men as trees walking..........
Spruce Tree House
Looks like apartments in the background.
Cliff Palace
.....sepia processing
Spruce Tree House
deteriorating stone walls.....
Even the trees open their arms.....welcoming all to this place of mystery and wonder.
Spruce Tree House
....the roof is black from smoke from small fires
Spruce Tree House
Ancient entrance......a keyhole door.
Silent guardian.....with a heart!
Spruce Tree House
.....a view of several kivas
A smaller cliff dwelling.
Cliff Palace-----another view.
Thank you for looking at my work.
Architect of Ancients

Architect of Ancients

A photographic journey through some of Mesa Verde's larger cliff dwellings. Thank you for looking.

