Client: sushi delivery place called Sushi Cult from Nizhnevartovsk, Russia. Sushi Cult's mission is to create best sushi around from the freshest ingredients. Sushi Cult was founded in 2019 and to this day it existed without any visual identity, but as the business grew, the owners decided to give their business one.

Objective: to develop a modern and co-competitive visual identity. The client's wish was to not use the "cult" theme in the identity despite the name.

Project disclaimer: client has chosen my other proposal for his visual identity (scroll all the way down to see it), but I've decided to show this one it in the most detail here as I personally find it just a little bit more interesting and fun. The reason that it wasn't chosen is that my last proposal suited business needs better as it appeared more expensive and of a premium quality.

The proposal that's gotten chosen can be called refined classics. The aim of this concept was to create a more expensive and somewhat luxurious identity for the brand which was one of the important conditions for the whole identity development.

The client was very happy with my last proposal as it turned out to be exactly what he was looking for. 

Thank you for watching. 
Which concept do you personally prefer? Opinions are always welcome.



