Perfil de Rachela KebedePerfil de Informacja Wizualna

Fidel. Osobisty elementarz sylabariusza etiopskiego

Fidel. A personal primer of the Ethiopic script 
The project was created out of a personal need to learn about Ethiopian calligraphy and limited access to information about it. It is a record of my subjective way of studying and communing with the Ethiopian script. It also contains all the information I have collected so far about this script. The scope of work included research, publication design, calligraphy, poster and publication text. 
I consulted substantive issues with dr. Marcin Krawczuk from the Faculty of Ethiopia at the University of Warsaw, whose research areas include Ethiopian literature in Ge'ez and Ethiopian manuscripts. The aesthetic aspect of the Ethiopian script is not a commonly discussed topic in Poland or Ethiopia. The work promotes, spreads and introduces Ethiopian culture, and some fragments of it can serve as a didactic aid to people teaching Amharic language in Poland. 
Thanks for watching!
Fidel. Osobisty elementarz sylabariusza etiopskiego
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Fidel. Osobisty elementarz sylabariusza etiopskiego

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