"He who burns down his house knows why ashes cost a fortune." — African proverb
This one is meant to take you back to forgotten time in the interior of East Africa. This is the portrait of the guardian of LICO. This is a man of nature, servant of God and protector of his people and land. The image represents the return to nature and spiritual restoration. 
I believe that the details can help build a better story. The cross from Axum made from elaborate latticework, the intertwined lattice represents everlasting life. The swatch (African fly whisk) on the left is used by African traditional healers or witch doctor, when performing ceremonies.
The image evoques a sense of tranquility and pride. The idea was to give the artwork a classic look and feel with the thick strokes which enhance the idea of an East Africa story that is not well known outside the continent. 
Mount Lico is an inselberg mountain in the Alto Molocue District of Zambezia Province in northern Mozambique, most notable for its old-growth rainforest and its lack of penetration by humans.
The spears are a warrior's most precious possession and are used for defending herds and the community against predators. Spears are used as walking sticks and staffs, most commonly seen thrust in the ground by the warrior's side. 
The humble Warriors is the protectors of the tribe. They are the first line of defense against animals, bad spirits and outsiders. He wears the head covering to protect himself from the sun and show humility and honors God's presence in nature. 
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