Profil appartenant à Ramez Harayri

Behind the Smoke Screen - Short Film Posters 2013

Behind the Smoke Screen
Steven is one of the four hundred adopted children who were
smuggled into the Netherlands during the Lebanese Civil War in 1975.
Until this day, the trace to their biological parents remains a path of
unanswered questions. The more Steven is seeking for answers
about his roots and identity, the more he is facing lies and obstacles.
For mor Info
Concept A
the concept of the first three posters were based on the research trip
of the main character of the movie throw the smoke screen.
Concept B
the concept of the rest of the posters were based on the Baby
"steven; the main character", the one of the four hundred adopted
babies and children who were smuggled into the Netherlands
during the Lebanese Civil War in 1975, and his research trip
throw the smoke screen.

For more Info

Ramez El Harayri
Owner/ Multidisciplinary Designer/ Photographer
T: 0031 6 31 39 87 28
F: (Portfolio)

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Behind the Smoke Screen - Short Film Posters 2013
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Behind the Smoke Screen - Short Film Posters 2013

Behind the Smoke Screen Steven is one of the four hundred adopted children who were smuggled into the Netherlands during the Lebanese Civil War Lire la suite

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