A group of us decided to execute an idea which I had in mind awhile ago. Messing up the whole place with colored powder.
There's 2 main concern to the idea:
1. Where can we find a location big enough and won't get chase out if we mess up?
2. What kind of colored powder is available and easy to wash and not toxic when in-contact with our skin?
Through research and stuff, I manage to find a spot, big enough to play with, and the rain can easily wash off since it's an open space. Just one dis-advantage, if it rains, there's no shelter unless you run for 5 mins.
I also found out holi powder, colored cornstarch mainly used by indian for religious and festival purposes, can be use as it's non-toxic, safe to play with and most importantly cheap.
And thus my shoot begins...
We ended up trying to mix the powder with water to get "colored" water.
It's an interesting idea and fun to play with since the result varies.
Main thing to take note during the shoot:
1. Protect all your electronic devices or items that you do not want to get in contact with the powder. (Wrap around plastic bag)
2. Protect your camera, very important.
3.  Wear white shirt so the color will be in contrast with your shirt
4. Throw away the shirt after that, do not bother washing it.
Lastly a simply video compile from the shoot. Something simple for memories.
Holi Mess

Holi Mess

An idea for a shoot I had long ago and was recently executed. Thanks to the following for making this photoshoot possible. - Gary Khoo - Ang Zhi Mehr anzeigen

