'Wild Trinity', acrylic, music score, gold leaf and pencil on canvas, 30x30x4cm (2013) - I feel this piece might need some explanation so here goes.....

The English word "trinity" is derived from Latin trinitas, meaning "the number three, a triad". It is used of in religions such as Christianity where the Trinity definines God as three divine persons that are part of the whole, substance, essence and nature. Here I am using the word Trinity to represent 'Life, Death and the Afterlife', which is why I have used the image of the hummingbird as this creature traditionally symbolises transformation and the Afterlife as it was believed to be a messenger that could move between the earth plane and the spiritual realm. It has been placed on a gold background to hint at its divine status and the triangular canvas represent the Trinity...
Wild Trinity

Wild Trinity

'Wild Trinity', acrylic, music score, gold leaf and pencil on canvas, 30x30x4cm (2013)
