Henkilön Laura Boshammer profiili

design by Laura Kate - My Branding

For my photography, I had designed a logo and watermark for my images and also business cards and a letterhead. It was based on an aperture and the CMYK colour scheme however soon after I realised how cliche an aperture is and decided to have another go.
I still quite liked the aperture shape but needed to make it individual and also related to 3D. These are some of my first designs initially continuing with the flat shading. I also quite liked orange until the logo began to remind me of Firefox.
This shape was then developed and then it came down to colour and type face. I have used a free font at this time called 'Sketch Serif' however it's not exactly what I want so I am currently in the process of designing my own typeface.
Finally I was able to decide upon this logo and colour scheme and these are my current business cards. I do like the deep velvety purple background however for printing, I have chosen the grey as it makes the logo pop.
These were my variations for the letterhead.
This one is my final with the rich purple banner. The background also has the lightest grey background as a texture reiterating the business card.
A DVD case and label were also designed.
And finally my resume design.
design by Laura Kate - My Branding

design by Laura Kate - My Branding

This is the process of my personal re-branding.
