After changing from plastic to paper straw for environmental purposes, Milo received some backlash regarding straw quality. Consumers complain that the straw gets mushy when drinking. Several mothers expressed concerns for their kids' health and felt that the paper straw alters the taste of the drink.

Milo uses the safest, highest quality paper straw technology there is, universally certified. Paper getting mushy once in contact with liquid is only natural and something inevitable. However, had we created a campaign addressing the safety of this paper, we would have triggered those who have not encountered this negative experience in the first place. Plus, we wouldn't want to remind the current unhappy consumers of their unsatisfied experience.

To eliminate the problem of 'mushy straws', we decided to create a ritual in drinking Milo. If you finish it in one go, not chewing on the straw, kids can get the best taste of Milo and Moms can be assured it's safe for their kids.

The best way to drink Milo, just:
1. Push! Push the straw out of the plastic
2. Pull! Pull it right out
3. Punch! Punch it right through
4. Slurp away! (In Thai, we use the onomatopoeia for the slurping sound: 'Zooooood')

This way, kids won't keep the straw lingering in their mouths for too long, getting the best taste Milo has to offer. This way, we eliminate concerns of having the straw 'too wet', by encouraging a fun and adaptable consuming behavior.
Milo Paper Straw

Milo Paper Straw


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