Fahad Sheikh's profile

2D Cartoon Character Animation on Stage Funny Jokes

Project: https://www.ckids.net/
2D Comedians Stage Cartoon Character Funny Jokes Animation 
Jokes Script:
Level 1

Are you ready for some good kosher animal jokes? Well, here we go!
Q: What do you get from a pampered cow? A: Spoiled milk. 
Q: What do you call a funny chicken? A: A comedi-hen
Q: Why is a fish easy to weigh? A: Because it has its own scales! 

Are you ready for some non kosher animal jokes? Ready or not, here they are!
Q: Why are teddy bears never hungry? A: They are always stuffed!
Q: Why did the lion spit out the clown? A: Because he tasted funny!
Q: Why don't lobsters share? Because they are shellfish.
Level 2

For processed food, we make sure it has a Kosher symbol! And a good joke to go with it!

Q: What did the bag of flour say to the loaf of bread? A: I saw you yesterday.
Q: What kind of keys do kids like to carry? A: Cookies! 
Q: Why did the lady love to drink hot chocolate? A: Because she was a cocoanut! 
Q: What do you call a grandmother who tells jokes? A:  A gram cracker.
Level 3 - Meat
Get ready for some MEATY jokes!

Q: What happens when a cow laughs too hard? A:  It Cowlapses!
Q: What do you call a grumpy cow? A: Moo-dy
Q: What did the butcher say to the cow?  A: Nice to meat you!
Level 4 - Dairy
A guy tried throwing a glass of milk while I was running! How dairy!

Q: What kind of candy is always late?  A: Choco-late
Q: How do you get a mouse to smile  A: Say Cheeese!
Q: What do you call cheese that is not yours? Nacho cheese.
2D Cartoon Character Animation on Stage Funny Jokes


2D Cartoon Character Animation on Stage Funny Jokes


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