JJ Ys profil

RHITA Sustainability Suitcase

RHITA 永續循環易裝拆行李箱設計
2020 Product DesignJhen Jia Yang、Chun Yu Pan、Yun Cheng 
RHITA 是一款以永續為目標設計而成的行李箱。
透過簡化零件結構,將原本約 120 個零件數,減少到原本的 1/3,讓維修更加容易。以新穎的組裝方式,將貨運體積縮小 33%,減少運送碳排放。組裝方式簡單易上手,輪子、箱殼與拉桿皆能單獨購買與替換,進而增加使用壽命。最後將複合材質與單一材質,以不同零件區分開來,使廢棄後的零件能更有價值地被再生利用。

RHITA is a suitcase designed for sustainability and easier assembly.
It's simplified structure has reduced the quantity of parts to 70% of the original design, making recycling and repair service easier. The space needed for transportation has gone down by 33%. Users can purchase parts in desired color for replacement. When the suitcase's life cycle comes to an end, recycling cannot be simpler. This suitcase is truly designed for sustainability.
RHITA Sustainability Suitcase

RHITA Sustainability Suitcase
