Profiel van David Birkitt - DMB Represents

Diver & Aguilar photograph Bvlgari jewels for Luxure

Diver & Aguilar photograph world exclusive Elizabeth Taylor Bvlgari jewelery "High Diva" for Luxure.
Words: Sarah Carpin
Photography & Post Production: Diver & Aguilar
Fashion Editor: Shivani Lal
"The love affair of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton was gilded with extraordinay jewels,
predominantly from the Roman house of Bulgari".
Fellini's 1960 film La Dolce Vita has given its name to the heady days of Rome in the late
1950s and early 60s, when Hollywood discovered the low cost of film making in Italy and the stars
of the silver screen basked in the Roman sun and saw themselves as the 20th-Century gods of the Via Veneto.
Cleopatra, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, epitomises this era, when Rome became known
as "Hollywood on the Tiber". This was the movie that redefined Hollywood. Almost causing the collapse of
20th Century Fox, Cleopatra became notorious for its long shooting schedule, its runaway budget and the
audacious sets that made it the most epensive film ever made.
But what gave this ultimatley very flawed film a defining place in Hollywood history was its matchmaking role.
For it was Cleopatra that fanned into flame the turbulent love affair between Elisabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. This was a love that was played out on the big screen and gided with extraordinary jewels, predominatly from the other long-standing love of Elizabeth Taylor's life, the Roman House of Bulgari.
Diver & Aguilar photograph Bvlgari jewels for Luxure

Diver & Aguilar photograph Bvlgari jewels for Luxure

Diver & Aguilar photograph world exclusive Elizabeth Taylor Bvlgari jewelery "High Diva" for Luxure.


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