Coherence coffee is a coffee exhibit created solely to educate and provide an enhanced experience on the process of creating good coffee.
From the start of the museum, customers are introduced to where the coffee bean comes from, the methods of processing beans, and what it looks like to roast the beans.
Following this timeline is a wall titled “what’s your brew” where costumers learn about various brewing methods. The wall briefly explains the grind size needed for each method and how long it takes to brew. At this point in the museum, viewers are encouraged to share their favorite brewing methods with their friends.
At the end of the exhibit, customers are handed a pamphlet from Coherence Coffee. Inside the first page are instructions on how to brew their  free coffee sample and how to use the pamphlet during their coffee tasting. On the second page, the pamphlet leaves room for the coffee tasters to guess the flavor notes of the coffee and record their brewing method. After recording their results, customers are encouraged to compare their results with a professional’s opinion.
Finally, outside the museum is a wall that states a fun fact about coffee and leads customers to the exhibit with a trail of coffee beans. 
Below shows my brand identity for Coherence Coffee and sketches of the logo. Each of these elements were important to creating the exhibit both visually and conceptually.  
Coherence Coffee Exhibit

Coherence Coffee Exhibit
