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SEO Agency Dubai | Digital Marketing

The World Of Digital Marketing: Past, Present, and Future

Have you ever wondered, where did digital marketing kick start from? Since when did the word ‘digital’ come into being? Three decades ago, marketers used the traditional mode of marketing to sell their products or services in the market. The term ‘Digital Marketing’ got its emerging popularity in the early 1990s. The advent of the ‘Internet’ made it happen. The internet continued to grow, and people started buying personal computers. They used E-Mails for their marketing works. In the coming years between 1993 to 1995 people using the internet gradually increased. This gradual rash in internet users is because of the advent of the first browser in the world named “ Netscape “. In 1994, AT&T corporation placed the first-ever clickable banner ad on the Hotwired website. A lot of people saw it and clicked the ad. In the same year, a lot of changes happened. Yahoo and  Amazon launched. In the year 1998, a very significant thing happened, Google launched. The advent of Google and Yahoo made a drastic change that led to today’s digital marketing.
The launching of Linkedin, WordPress, Myspace, Gmail, and Facebook from 2002 to 2010 made it possible for marketers to use technology wisely. In 2007, companies started promoting themselves through the media available then. 

Today over 4-5 billion people use different social media. Among them, Facebook is the most used social media platform. In digital marketing, more Facebook ad revenue is coming from mobiles. A large number of people use social media to know more about products and services. Regardless of how small the industry is, digital marketing offers a wide range of affordable and efficient ways to make leads.

Types of Digital Marketing

Nowadays people spend most of their time on mobile devices. Because of this, we promote our business products and services through digital marketing and ensure that it reaches the desired customers.
Digital marketing is different channels used to promote business according to prospective customers. 
Different types of tools are widely used now.

Some are listed below;

Search Engine Marketing
It’s the best mode of paid marketing widely used to promote products and services on the top of the search engine result page. It offers the advertiser the opportunity to display his/her advertisement to more desirable customers.
Search Engine Optimization or SEO makes your website ranking on top pages or increases our website visibility for relevant searches. The search engines(Google, Bing, etc.) crawl our website web pages and go from one page to another page to collect information and index them.
Pay-Per-Click Marketing
It comes under the SEM. It’s a search engine advertising method to make clicks to your website organically. Every time a click happens, you pay the search engine.
Social Media Marketing
Without any doubt, we can say that it’s the ultimate game-changer in marketing. It makes use of social media platforms to promote your product or services to desired customers. It’s the best way to increase sales and drive website traffic. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc are examples of Social Media platforms.

Email Marketing is a digital marketing strategy that sends E-Mails to customers.

Affiliate Marketing is a process of making money by promoting other company’s products/services.

Future of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is continuously making changes by the customer’s needs and brands. With the innovation and emerging technology SEO, content marketing, social media every platform going through the verge of change.

Artificial Intelligence is going to be used in paid media to automatically buy Ad space, using data to determine which potential customers should target. 

Using Voice Search through Siri, Google assistant, etc,  SEO should consider optimizing their websites to recognize voice search.

Video content is going to be gaining more popularity and becoming more authentic.

SEO Agency Dubai | Digital Marketing

SEO Agency Dubai | Digital Marketing


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