Mel Martins profil

Yello Spring Still Life inspired by Dutch Masters

I have been obsessing with two things recently: wishing spring would finally come and Dutch Master still life paintings. 

Nothing is more spring like than yellow for me but daffodils are generally overused to reflect spring ideas, so instead I used yellow roses. I don't have a studio or even studio lights, so all of it has to be shot using natural light and some creative inventiveness how to give the illusion of a set - whilst having none. 

The basis for all my shots is a chair and two large floor tiles I was gifted by a neighbour. The stage is my front room bay window using a slightly sunny but also slightly overcast day as the best option for light. Here are the images. Thanks for having a look. 
Yello Spring Still Life inspired by Dutch Masters

Yello Spring Still Life inspired by Dutch Masters
