Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition. A person with BDD is consumed with thoughts about an imagined or very slight defect in their body. The obsession interferes with their work, school, home and social life. Treatment may include psychotherapy and medication.
As my first project on Blender, I wanted to create a body of work (pun intended) that illustrated my distorted relationship with my body. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. But 72 hours and a couple of tutorials later... ya girl was successful in sculpting my "dream body". 
I then exported the Blender project as a glTF 2.0 (.glb/.gltf) file, and brought it in as an asset in Adobe Aero
I set a spin behavior at the start of the experience. 
The little spin was cool and all, but it was also ... boring. (note I've never done this before so it was already cool but still lets add some pizazz or something right?) I felt like the experience didn't at all capture how I felt in pursuit of achieving this body. It was just a spinning body. 
Playing around with Aero, I found that there was a "Play Audio" feature... and the game changed.

Thanks to Google Translate's pronunciation feature, royalty free music, and Adobe Audition, I created a sound the best represented my internal distress, as well as provided information on the disorder. 
F I N A L    R E S U L T 
Strengths: I did it! I'm proud of myself for creating this, and working through the kinks of Blender and Aero (both of which I've never used before this). Color Pallet *chefs kiss* 
Weaknesses: There were so many things I couldn't figure out. I had trouble attaching a skeleton, rigging, animating, and finalizing the Aero QR code. It was just bleh. So I must go back and figure out those things. 
Room for Improvement: I definitely want to incorporate more interactive elements in this experience that work together to tell a story. I think the additional use of sound was nice, but it's still just a spinning body. Creating elements that inform more of my experience with body dysmorphia could make this a more impactful body of work. 
Back to the drawing board I go! 
Thank you for checking this out! 
Body Dysmorphic

Body Dysmorphic
