Henkilön Mark Macarro profiili

A Brief Overview of the Native American Rights Fund

Mark Macarro is an accomplished Native American political leader who currently serves as the tribal chairman of the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians in Temecula, California. Active on both the state and federal level, Mark Macarro also holds board memberships with several Native American organizations, including the Native American Rights Fund (NARF).

Founded in 1970, NARF is a nonprofit group dedicated to providing legal representation and technical assistance to Indian tribes, organizations, and individuals across the United States. Especially focused on ensuring that state and national governments live up to the legal obligations established by laws and treaties, NARF has helped more than 250 tribes protect their sovereignty, obtain official recognition, and guard their native traditions, among other initiatives.

Today, the organization continues its work of more than 50 years with cases and projects aimed at a variety of Native American-related issues, including hunting and fishing protection, tribal administration, and water rights as well as land and trust fund matters. In addition, NARF conducts the Tribal Supreme Court project, which works to strengthen tribal advocacy before the U.S. Supreme Court. This project not only seeks to improve the tribal win-loss record in the Supreme Court, but it also works to guarantee protection under the law for future generations of Native Americans.
A Brief Overview of the Native American Rights Fund

A Brief Overview of the Native American Rights Fund

Mark Macarro
